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  1.  54
    Chuang-Tzu for Spiritual Transformation: An Analysis of the Inner Chapters (8th edition).Robert Elliott Allinson - 2008 - SUNY Press.
    Robert C. Neville, Dean of Theology and Professor of Philosophy, Boston University, in his comments on Chuang-Tzu for Spiritual Transformation for the State University of New York press: ‘The present outstanding volume by Robert Allinson ... initiates a new direction ... His new direction for understanding Chuang-Tzu is his comprehensive and detailed argument that Chuang Tzu was advocating an ideal of sageliness. Whereas many interpreters have claimed that Chuang Tzu used his metaphorical language to defend a relativism, Allinson shows with (...)
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  2. Circles within a circle: The condition for the possibility of ethical business institutions within a market system.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):17-28.
    How can a business institution function as an ethical institution within a wider system if the context of the wider system is inherently unethical? If the primary goal of an institution, no matter how ethical it sets out to be, is to function successfully within a market system, how can it reconcile making a profit and keeping its ethical goals intact? While it has been argued that some ethical businesses do exist, e.g., Johnson and Johnson, the argument I would like (...)
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  3. Understanding the Chinese Mind: The Philosophical Roots.Robert Elliott Allinson (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Professor Kenneth Inada, State University of New York at Buffalo, writes: "There is no ordinary volume. It is a well crafted work containing brilliant reactions to traditional Chinese philosophical thought." -/- Ninian Smart, President, American Academy of Religion, Rowney Chair of Philosophy, The University of California, Santa Barbara, in a review of Understanding the Chinese Mind in Philosophy, East and West, writes: "This is an important book ... Robert E. Allinson is to be congratulated on putting together this thoughtful and (...)
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  4. Of Fish, Butterflies and Birds: Relativism and Nonrelative Valuation in the Zhuangzi.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (3):238-252.
    I argue that the main theme of the Zhuangzi is that of spiritual transformation. If there is no such theme in the Zhuangzi, it becomes an obscure text with relativistic viewpoints contradicting statements and stories designed to lead the reader to a state of spiritual transformation. I propose to reveal the coherence of the deep structure of the text by clearly dividing relativistic statements designed to break down fixed viewpoints from statements, anecdotes, paradoxes and metaphors designed to lead the reader (...)
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  5. Complementarity as a model for east-west integrative philosophy.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1998 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 25 (4):505-517.
    The discovery of a letter in the Niels Bohr archives written by Bohr to a Danish schoolteacher in which he reveals his early knowledge of the Daodejing led the present author on a search to unveil the influence of the philosophy of Yin-Yang on Bohr's famed complementarity principle in Western physics. This paper recounts interviews with his son, Hans, who recalls Bohr reading a translated copy of Laozi, as well as Hanna Rosental, close friend and associate who also confirms the (...)
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  6. Snakes and Dragons, Rat’s Liver and Fly’s Leg: The Butterfly Dream Revisited.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (4):513-520.
    The Zhuangzi begins with Peng, a soaring bird transformed from a bounded fish, which is the first metaphor that points beyond limited standpoints to a higher point of view. The transformation is one-way and symbolizes that there is a higher viewpoint to attain which affords mental freedom and the clarity and scope of great vision. Under the alternate thesis of constant transformation, values and understandings must ceaselessly transform and collapse. All cyclical transformations must collapse into skeptical relativism and confusion. But (...)
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  7. The Primacy of Duty and Its Efficacy in Combating COVID-19.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (2):179-189.
    Nyansa nye sika na w'akyekyere asie. One critical factor that has contributed to the spread of the virus COVID-19 and resulting illnesses and deaths is both the conceptual and the ethical confusion between the prioritization of individual rights over social duties. The adherence to the belief in the priority of rights over duties has motivated some individuals to refrain from social distancing and, as a result, has placed themselves and other individuals at serious risk to health and life. My argument (...)
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  8. Wittgenstein, Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu: The art of circumlocution.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (1):97 – 108.
    Where Western philosophy ends, with the limits of language, marks the beginning of Eastern philosophy. The Tao de jing of Laozi begins with the limitations of language and then proceeds from that as a starting point. On the other hand, the limitation of language marks the end of Wittgenstein's cogitations. In contrast to Wittgenstein, who thought that one should remain silent about that which cannot be put into words, the message of the Zhuangzi is that one can speak about that (...)
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  9. Hillel and Confucius: The prescriptive formulation of the golden rule in the Jewish and Chinese Confucian ethical traditions.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2003 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 3 (1):29-41.
    In this article, the Golden Rule, a central ethical value to both Judaism and Confucianism, is evaluated in its prescriptive and proscriptive sentential formulations. Contrary to the positively worded, prescriptive formulation – “Love others as oneself” – the prohibitive formulation, which forms the injunction, “Do not harm others, as one would not harm oneself,” is shown to be the more prevalent Judaic and Confucian presentation of the Golden Rule. After establishing this point, the remainder of the article is dedicated to (...)
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  10. The Butterfly, the Mole and the Sage.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (3):213-223.
    Zhuangzi chooses a butterfly as a metaphor for transformation, a sighted creature whose inherent nature contains, and symbolizes, the potential for transformation from a less valued state to a more valued state. If transformation is not to be valued; if, according to a recent article by Jung Lee, 'there is no implication that it is either possible or desirable for the living to awake from their dream', why not tell a story of a mole awakening from a dream? This would (...)
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  11. The golden rule as the core value in confucianism & christianity: Ethical similarities and differences.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (2):173 – 185.
    One side of this paper is devoted to showing that the Golden Rule, understood as standing for universal love, is centrally characteristic of Confucianism properly understood, rather than graded, familial love. In this respect Confucianism and Christianity are similar. The other side of this paper is devoted to arguing contra 18 centuries of commentators that the negative sentential formulation of the Golden Rule as found in Confucius cannot be converted to an affirmative sentential formulation (as is found in Christianity) without (...)
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  12.  48
    Harmony & Strife.Shuxian Liu & Robert Elliott Allinson (eds.) - 1989 - Columbia University Press.
    This volume is intended for professional philosophers and laymen with an interest in East-West studies and comparative philosophy and religion. The central focus is the concept of comparing perspectives from both the Eastern and the Western philosophical traditions on harmony and strife. The unique and happy result is an East-West anthology which is directed at analyzing a single philosophical problem which is of importance to both traditions. Unlike many anthologies which tend to be collections of isolated and unrelated essays, the (...)
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  13.  11
    How Metaphor Functions in the Zhuangzhi: The Case of the Unlikely Messenger.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2015 - In Livia Kohn (ed.), New Visions of the Zhuangzi. Three Pines Press. pp. 102-114.
  14. The debate between mencius and hsün-Tzu: Contemporary applications.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1998 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 25 (1):31-49.
    This article takes one of the richest historical debates, that of Hsun-Tzu and Mencius, as the contextual starting-point for the elaboration of human goodness. In support of Mencius, this article develops additional metaphysical and bio-social-evolutionary grounds, both of which parallel each other. The metaphysical analysis suggests that, in the spirit of Spinoza, an entity’s nature must necessarily include the drive toward its preservation. Likewise, the multi-faceted bio-social-evolutionary argument locates the fundamental telos of humanity in the preservation of social ties and (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Editorial: Do we Need a New Enlightenment for the 21st Century?Robert Elliott Allinson - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (1):5-18.
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  16. Searle’s Master Insight and the Non-Dual Solution of the Sixth Patriarch: Sorting Through Some Problems of Consciousness.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2017 - Comparative Philosophy 8 (1):82-93.
    The Platform Sutra, which dates back to the seventh century C.E., is one of the classic documents of Chinese philosophy and is the intellectual autobiography of Hui Neng, the Sixth Patriarch of Ch’an Buddhism. In the Platform Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch demonstrates that the spiritual and intellectual problems of consciousness stem from a false adherence to the dualistic standpoint. The Sixth Patriarch utilizes ingenious arguments to demonstrate how one can escape the problems of dualism. An example of a constructive engagement (...)
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  17. A hermeneutic reconstruction of the child in the well example.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1992 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 19 (3):297-308.
    This article draws on two Mencian illustrations of human goodness: the example of the child in the well and the metaphor of the continually deforested mountain. By reconstructing Mencius’ two novel ideas within the framework of a phenomenological thought-experiment, this article’s purpose is to explain the validity of this uncommon approach to ethics, an approach which recognizes that subjective participation is necessary to achieve any ethical understanding. It is through this active phenomenological introspection that the individual grasps the goodness of (...)
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  18. The Homogeneity and the Heterogeneity of the Concept of the Good in Plato.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1982 - Philosophical Inquiry 4 (1):30-39.
    The thesis I should like to advance in this essay is that Plato cannot and, in fact, does not adhere consistently to the doctrine that to know the good is to do the good. First, in order to display the paradoxes in the Platonic ethical system, I shall discuss the concept of the homogeneity of the good which Plato explicitly endorses. Second, by referring to Plato's practice, I shall endeavor to demonstrate that he treats the good as heterogeneous although this (...)
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  19.  34
    (1 other version)Space, Time and the Ethical Foundations.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2002 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Anthony C. Yu, Carl Buck Distinguished Professor in Humanities, Chairman, Division of East Asian Languages, University of Chicago, Divinity School, writes: "Robert Allinson's book represents tremendous thoughtfulness, originality, and erudition. Its wide-ranging and lucid discussions cover a huge terrain, from ancient metaphysics to quantum mechanics. The enlistment of certain classical Confucian concepts and themes at critical junctures to advance the book's argument also provides luminous comparison. His interpretation of the Confucian emphasis on life as social and self-preservation is both humane (...)
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  20.  9
    Chuang Tzu: Deconstructionist with a Difference.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3:489-500.
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  21.  99
    The Problem of the External World in René Descartes, Edmund Husserl, Immanuel Kant and the Evil Genius.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (1):57-66.
    The need to prove the existence of the external world has been a subject that has concerned the rationalist philosophers, particularly Descartes and the empiricist philosophers such as John Locke, George Berkeley and David Hume. Taking the epoché as the key mark of the phenomenologist—the suspension of the question of the existence of the external world—the issue of the external world should not come under the domain of the phenomenologist. Ironically, however, I would like to suggest that it could be (...)
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  22.  29
    On the Question of Whether We Need a New Enlightenment for the 21st Century.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (1):217-228.
    It is gratifying to learn that there are fellow humanist philosophers who pay homage to the Enlightenment and its legacy. Such a humanist philosopher is Michael Mitias. He has taken precious time and the labor of his active and synoptic thought to both read the trilogy I have had the privilege of guest editing and what is more, to write about it. Hence, I feel that he deserves a response. I shall address some of the key points that he has (...)
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  23.  27
    Krochmal’s Teleological and Ethical Arguments for the Existence of the Deity.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2019 - Judaica Petropolitana 11:87-103.
  24. Hegel, Lao-Tzu and Bohr.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2014 - In Wayne Cristaudo, Heung Wah Wong & Sun Youzhoung (eds.), Order and Revolt: Debating the Principles of Eastern and Western Social Thought. Bridge21 Publishers.
  25.  90
    An Aesthetic Theory in Four Dimensions.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):53-64.
    The purpose of this article is to synthesize four major elements of aesthetic experience that have previously appeared isolated whenever an attempt at conceptualization is made. These four elements are: Immanuel Kant’s disinterested pleasure, Robin G. Collingwood’s emotional expressionism, the present writer’s redemptive emotional experience, and, lastly, Plato’s concept of Beauty. By taking these four abstracted elements as the bedrock for genuine aesthetic experience, this article aims to clarify the proper role of art as distinct from philosophy and intellectualization. Rather (...)
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  26.  25
    Buddhist Economics: The Global View.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2022 - In Michel Dion & Moses Pava (eds.), The Spirit of Conscious Capitalism: Contributions of World Religions and Spiritualities. Springer. pp. 339-360.
    This chapter describes how Buddhist economics can proactively contribute to the concept of conscious capitalism by importing Buddhist ethical principles to give concrete content to the aspirational idea of conscious capitalism. Conscious capitalism becomes ethically conscious capitalism with its Buddhist complement. For Buddhism, the central motivation for human behavior is deep compassion for all sentient beings. In Buddhist economics, compassion is translated into compassion for the poorest. Hunger, thirst, homelessness, lack of medical care and education are the needs of a (...)
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  27.  24
    Nachman Krochmal and the Argument from Design.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2018 - Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia 19:127-139.
  28.  22
    The Place of Buddhist Economics in Overcoming Global Inequity.Robert Elliott Allinson - manuscript
  29.  22
    'Confucianism and Taoism', 'Aristotle and Economics'.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2011 - In Luk Bouckaert & Laszlo Zsolnai (eds.), Handbook of Spirituality and Business. Palgrave. pp. 69-80, 95-103.
  30.  18
    A Paragon of Righteous Virtue.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2020 - In Heather L. Rivera & Robert Arp (eds.), Perry Mason and Philosophy: The Case of the Awesome Attorney. Open Court Press. pp. 11-27.
  31. An Aristotelian Renaissance: Aristotelian Ethics for Today.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2015 - In Maria Adam & Maria Veneti (eds.), Greek Philosophy and Moral and Political Issues. Ionia Publications. pp. 9-26.
  32.  7
    A Call for Ethically-Centered Management.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1995 - The Academy of Management Executive 9 (1):72-75.
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  33. A Cross-Cultural Understanding of Chinese Thought.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1991 - Times and Trends of Thought, Dialectics of Cultural Tradition 1:71-80.
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  34.  33
    (1 other version)A Metaphysics for the Future.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2001 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Lewis Hahn, Editor of Library of Living Philosophers, including Quine, Gadamer, Davidson, Ricoeur, writes: "Professor Allinson’s work [A Metaphysics for the Future] is impressive. I do not remember when in recent years I have read a more exciting systematic study. With a new phenomenology, a distinctive method and unique modes of validation for philosophy, and an extraordinary command of both Eastern and Western philosophy, Professor Allinson develops his own bold, imaginative and challenging system of philosophy". This work is intended to (...)
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  35. An Object Lesson in Balancing Business and Nature in Hong Kong: Saving the Birds of Long Valley.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2004 - In Lene Bomann-Larsen & Oddny Wiggen (eds.), Responsibility in World Business, Managing Harmful Side-effects of Corporate Activity. United Nations University Press.
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  36.  30
    Awakening Philosophy: The Loss of Truth.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2022 - Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Slavoj Žižek writes: "Today philosophy is approaching a double end. Physics and brain sciences offer answers to the big metaphysical questions (is the universe infinite? Do we have a free will?), while what remained of philosophy is mostly getting lost in historicist relativism, reducing truth to a discursive “truth-effect.” But more and more people are tired of this game: the need for a new beginning, for authentic metaphysics, is felt everywhere. And Allinson does something that we all secretly knew it (...)
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  37.  13
    A Rectification of Terms in the Epistolary Plato: Re-reading Plato's Seventh Epistle.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1998 - Chinese University of Hong Kong Journal of the Humanities 2:136-150.
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  38. Chinese Culture and Human-Nature Relations.Robert Elliott Allinson (ed.) - 2015 - Society for the Study of Religious Philosophy.
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  39. Chuang Cho - The Early Literary Form of Self-Transformation.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1990 - Chinese Culture Monthly 126:109-121.
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  40. Confucius’ Golden Rule.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1988 - History and Theory 3:92-97.
  41. Cultural Value in Japanese Management.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1990 - Asian Culture (3):20-32.
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  42. Contemporary Viewpoints on Compassion in the Case of the Small Child About to Fall in the Well in Mencius.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1991 - Journal of Fudan University 1:107-117.
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    Circles within a Circle: The Condition for the Possibility of an Ethical Business Enterprise within a Market System.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):261-277.
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  44.  44
    Dialogue in Universalism and Universalism in Dialogue.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (2):19-33.
    In this paper, I endeavor to penetrate to the heart of Janusz Kuczyński’s writings about his concept of universalism and to offer my own deliberations upon it based upon my previous writings concerning universalism and dialogue and on my considerations of necessary conditions for the possibility of universal dialogue taking place. To this end, I posit ten conditions for the possibility of entering into genuine universal dialogue. For clarification of Kuczyński’s concept of universalism, I analyze his concept into meta-universalism and (...)
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    Ethics as Part of the Very Concept of Business Enterprise.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (9-10):1015-1044.
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  46. Early Literary Forms of Self-Transformation in the Chuang-Tzu.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1988 - Tamkang Review (2):97-108.
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  47. Five Dialogues on Knowledge and Reality.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1972 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
    This dissertation investigates that which can only be known with the following criteria of knowledge: (i) it is unchangeable; (ii) it cannot be mistaken; (iii) it is identical with its object. It begins by addressing the following questions: what can and cannot exist in solely this sense? Can anything exist in this sense? A further thesis it explores is that the split between the subject of knowledge and the object of knowledge which has given rise to the unexplained and inexplicable (...)
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    Hillel and Confucius: The Primacy of the Proscriptive Formulation of the Golden Rule in Jewish and Chinese Ethics.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2003 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (1):29-42.
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    How to Achieve Ethical Goals for Business: the Rise of Technology and the Spirit of Global Corporate Responsibility.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2008 - Praxiology and the Philosophy of Technology: The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology 15:271-289.
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  50.  80
    Integrative Dialogue as a Path to Universalism: The Case of Buber and Zhuangzi.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (4):87-104.
    I argue that it is through an integrative dialogue based on the Ijing model of cooperative and cyclical change rather, than a Marxist or neo-Marxist dialectical model of change based upon the Hegelian model of conflict and replacement, that promises the greatest possibility of peaceful coexistence. As a case study of a dialogue between civilizations, I utilize both a mythical and an historical encounter between Martin Buber, representing the West, and Zhuangzi, representing the East. I show that despite the vast (...)
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